Rabu, 12 September 2012

narrative text


In the town of Verona there lived two families, the Capulets and the Montagues. They engaged in a bitter feud. Among the Montagues was Romeo, a hot-blooded young man with an eye for the ladies. One day, Romeo attended the feast of the Capulets', a costume party where he expected to meet his love, Rosaline, a haughty beauty from a well-to-do family. Once there, however, Romeo's eyes felt upon Juliet, and he thought of Rosaline no more.

The vision of Juliet had been invading his every thought. Unable to sleep, Romeo returned late that night to the Juliet's bedroom window. There, he was surprised to find Juliet on the balcony, professing her love for him and wishing that he were not a "Montague", a name behind his own. "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." Romeo was ready to deny his name and professed his love. The two agreed to meet at nine o-clock the next morning to be married.

Early the next morning, Romeo came to Friar Lawrence begging the friar to marry him to Juliet. The Friar performed the ceremony, praying that the union might someday put an end to the feud between the two families. He advised Romeo kept the marriage a secret for a time.

On the way home, Romeo chanced upon his friend Mercutio arguing with Tybalt, a member of the Capulet clan. That qurreling last caused Merquito died. Romeo was reluctant no longer. He drew his sword and slew Tybalt died. Romeo realized he had made a terrible mistake. Then Friar Lawrence advised Romeo to travel to Mantua until things cool down. He promised to inform Juliet.
In the other hand, Juliet's father had decided the time for her to marry with Paris. Juliet consulted Friar Lawrence and made a plot to take a sleeping potion for Juliet which would simulate death for three days. The plot proceeded according to the plan. Juliet was sleeping in death.

Unfortunately, The Friar's letter failed to reach Romeo. Under the cover of darkness, he broke into Juliet's tomb. Romeo kissed the lips of his Juliet one last time and drank the poison. Meanwhile, the effects of the sleeping potion wear off. Juliet woke up calling for Romeo. She found her love next to her but was lying dead, with a cup of poison in his hand. She tried to kiss the poison from his lips, but failed. Then Juliet put out his dagger and plunged it into her breast. She died

Rabu, 23 Mei 2012

Menghilangkan Bekas Jerawat

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   Ok kawan-kawan kali ini Jonggo Info akan berbagi informasi mengenai bagaimana sich cara menghilangkan bekas Jerawat tanpa efek samping yaitu secara alamiah.Berikut saran saya :

    Cara Menghilangkan bekas jerawat, Apakah wajah anda penuh dengan bekas jerawat? ingin punya kulit wajah yang halus dan terlihat mempesona?. Jerawat maupun komedo memang 2 hal yang sangat di

Sabtu, 14 April 2012

Ancaman Negeri Paman Sam


 Kali ini Jonggo Info akan berbagi informasi mengenai salah satu teknologi atau lebih tepatnya senjata penghancur massal dari AMERIKA SERIKAT. Benda itu bernama HAARP. ( High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program ). HAARP adalah project investigasi yang bertujuan untuk "memahami, menstimulasi,dan mengontrol proses ionospheric yang dapat mengubah kinerja komunikasi dan menggunakan sistem surveilans". Dimulai pada tahun 1992, project ditargetkan selesai dalam 20 tahun kedepan (selesai tahun 2012).

Sabtu, 07 April 2012

Jadwal Pertandingan EURO 2012


Kali ini Jonggo Info akan berbagi informasi mengenai Jadwal Pertandingan EURO 2012. Kita semua tahu lah kalau EURO termasuk salah satu pertandingan sepak bola yang sangat bergensi, selain Piala Dunia dan Piala Champion. Ini membuktikan bahwa Eropa memang menjadi kiblat dari Sepak Bola.
EURO 2012 dilaksanakan mulai Juni 2012 mendatang. Masih cukup lama dan pasti dah banyak yang sudah

Jumat, 06 April 2012

Albert Einstein


Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas.

Albert Einstein, foto oleh Oren J. Turner tahun 1947.
Albert Einstein (lahir di Ulm, Kerajaan Württemberg, Kerajaan Jerman, 14 Maret 1879 – meninggal di Princeton, New Jersey, Amerika Serikat, 18 April 1955 pada umur 76 tahun) adalah seorang ilmuwan fisika teoretis yang dipandang luas sebagai ilmuwan terbesar dalam abad ke-20.



 teman teman yang butuh Cerita Rakyat Dalam Bahasa Inggris kali ini Aneka Remaja akan share Dongeng bahasa inggris ini menceritakan antara peri dengan rose bunga kali ya? hmm munkin di lain waktu aneka remaja akan apdet lagi dengan cerita binatang dalam bahasa inggris langsung baca aja dech


Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

10 Pemain Bola yang Meninggal Ketika Sedang Bertanding

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    Mereka adalah pemain yang memiliki loyalitas tinggi serta profesional  dalam berkarir. Dan merekapun pantas bila di sebut pahlawan yang gugur saat perang ( Di lapangan sepakbola ) tentuhnya. Salut deh buat mereka.
    Pemain Bolton Wanderes, Fabrice Muamba jatuh pingsan ketika bertanding melawan Tottenham Hotspurs pada laga